Successful Compiling, Editing, and Publishing Kindle Books for Clients

I’m happy to announce that I have a new service to offer my clients, and it’s something I find fun and rewarding! That new service is publishing Kindle books.

Whether as the primary means of delivering information or as part of an integrated marketing plan, Kindle books drive traffic. With Google being the number one search engine for browsers, Amazon is the number one search engine for BUYERS. That means if you have something to buy–tangible or not–a Kindle book is a great way to get your name out there.

After studying self-publishing, digital info products, and Kindle publishing, I was able to compile a client’s materials, edit it, and publish it to Kindle. Mike Stalter’s Kindle Book How to Cope, Manage the Household, and Make Love When Your Wife Has Cancer made it to the Amazon Kindle Best-Sellers Top 100 List! Read about it here.

For quite a while, I’ve had a dream about having a publishing company. I’ve begun formalizing a goal and a business plan around that dream. What I really like about this is the application of Zig Ziglar’s old saying, “You can have anything you want if you help enough people to get what they want.” Well, if I help enough people with a message to share get published, I can enjoy the benefits as editor and publisher.

So be it.

How may I help YOU? Do you have some message to share? Would you like to be an author? Send me a message via the form at the bottom of this page. Let’s talk.


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