Overcoming My Past – Part 3 – It takes Work to combat inertia!

This body has been at rest for the greater part of the last nine years, being sedentary as a student and then as a marketing professional. Building momentum to combat inertia will require consistent, persistent Work (physics). Knowing this is true, and consciously choosing to act on this knowledge, I went out for another jog. […]

Overcoming My Past – Part 2 – Yes, I can jog safely.

If you have not yet done so, you may want to read Part 1 first. At first, Derek invited me to take the plunge and go with him on his second jog. I thought I’d prefer to go alone so I could think rather than have the company. He had told me to think while […]

Overcoming My Past – Part 1 – Can I run, or at least jog safely?

This morning my roommate Derek went out for a jog, as he often does. As he was tying his shoe laces in preparation, I thought about all the people in my life who run and how they each have a leaner, healthier-looking body than the average person. I thought about what it would be like […]

Review of the Book (1413 of) Those Words by anna ligtenberg

Those Words is the author’s deliciously intimate memoir heavy on young love, seasoned with self-psychoanalysis, mystery, and hope of an escape from the loveless bourgeois, whether by suicide or reconnecting with her long-lost high school sweetheart. Ligtenberg has done an excellent job of tempering the story of her tragic childhood with experiences of love, subtle joy, and friendship.